Having it All: Getting
a Work-Life

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The following program can be customised based on your needs.
> About The Program
For some people, it’s a struggle balancing their personal & professional lives – how can you put in the hours at work while also finding time for your family? Tons of employees all over the world feel like it’s impossible to have a successful career & happy family and they feel pressured to downplay the importance of their jobs often feeling inclined to tell people ‘of course I love my job but my kids come first’ or ‘nothing feels as satisfying as being a parent’. But there’s no rule that states that being a parent is your only role & saying you find other roles & responsibilities meaningful too doesn’t reduce the importance of parenting or make you a bad parent. Working parents feel pressured to constantly reassure others that they love their children but this is playing into that old-fashioned notion that you can’t be a capable, high-achiever & a dedicated parent at the same time.
Our trainers have managed to overcome those stereotypes & will cover topics such as how to make successful decisions – even when they’re difficult ones. They’ll teach you the tricks they used to keep themselves motivated & what they did to push through the touch times in their lives. They’ll also show you how to create the life you truly want & live it without guilt or regrets.
> Learning Objectives
Learn how to make successful decisions – even when they’re difficult ones, tricks to keep yourself motivated & how to push through the tough times in your lives. You’ll learn how to create the life you truly want & live it without guilt or regrets.
Not Sure Where to Start?
Use our DECISION TREE to find out exactly what’s best for yourself or organisation. Alternatively, you may opt to talk to our consultants for a personalised program.